Passover Lamb
Up from the Nile and into Pharaoh’s palace. God’s purpose in Moses had come at last. After being in bondage for over four hundred years. God said: “I have heard their cry and have seen their tears.”
While on the mountain Moses saw something odd. He drew closer to it and heard the voice of God. “The place where you’re standing is holy ground. And what I’m about to say is quite profound.”
“Free my people from the hand of Pharaoh. The way to do this is straight and narrow.” “But Lord, who am I? I’m only a man.” “I know. And I am the God of Abraham.”
If they ask who sent me, what shall I say?” “Tell them ‘I AM that I AM’; they know me that way. So Moses told his people he was sent by I AM. God was keeping his promise to Abraham.
From the plague of blood to the plague of locusts. To the plague of hail and utter darkness. Pharaoh’s heart was hard from the very start. But the tenth and last plague would break his heart.
The last plague was unlike the others. For in this plague you hear morning of mothers. You see, this plague involved the death of sons. This plague was a sign of things to come.
It foreshadowed the death of God’s only son. He’s the Passover Lamb. He is the one. Crucified, died, buried and risen. It’s by the Lamb of God we are forgiven.